Why is the My Downloads page empty?


Last Update één jaar geleden

Your My Downloads page lists all downloads you have made with your account. If you can't find your downloads anymore or they seem lost, this can have several reasons, which we will explain in this guide. 

  • The default display of the My Downloads page shows only add-ons for which an update is available. If all your downloads are up-to-date, they will not be displayed by default. You have to change the filter from "Update available" to "All Downloads" or "Up-to-date" and then click "Apply" to update the list to show all your downloads.  
  • The list only shows downloads you made while you were logged in with your account. If you have logged out temporarily or changed browsers or computers, you may not have been logged in, so your downloads could not be assigned to your account.
  • You may be logged into a different account than you were logged into at the time you downloaded the files. Please remember if you may have changed accounts in the meantime and check if you are logged in to the right account. 

Moreover, you can delete your download history by clicking "Remove everything" on the My Downloads page. If you delete your download history, it is irrevocably lost and cannot be recovered. 

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