I did not receive my activation or verification email

Each user must verify their provided email address after registration.


Last Update há um ano

Each user must verify their provided email address after registration. After sign up, we will send an email address to your specified email inbox. Please check your mailbox and click the button in the email to verify your account. 

If you have not received an email or you can not find it:

  • Please wait up to 30 minutes. It may take longer for the email to arrive.
  • Please also check your spam and/or junk folder for our email after 30 minutes.
  • Go to My Settings to make sure you didn't make a typo. If you entered an incorrect email address, you can change it there easily and you will get a new email sent automatically to the new address.
  • If you still have not received our email, you can request a new one here.
  • If that all does not help, contact support and let us know that you did not receive an email from us. We will look into it and send you a new confirmation email immediately. Please excuse this inconvenience. 

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