Captcha Problems - Login or Sign-Up Issue, Captcha not showing

If you are getting the error message to check the captcha box, you have to check the Google reCaptcha box right below the form.


Last Update één jaar geleden

If you are getting the error message to check the captcha box, you have to check the Google reCaptcha box right below the form. In rare cases, it can be that you do not see this box. Please follow this guide to troubleshoot. 

What if it doesn't show up?

  • Make sure your browser is fully updated.
  • Check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
  • Try disabling plugins that might conflict with reCAPTCHA, such as ad-blockers.
  • Please clear your browser's cache and your browser's cookies. If you don't know how to do this, google it.
  • After clearing your browser's cache and cookies, close the browser and re-open it.
  • If this does not work, try using a different browser or open the Incognito mode of your browser to see whether it is showing there. If you are using Google Chrome, try using Firefox or Microsoft Edge for example - or the other way round. Most of the time it is only a temporary browser problem.
  • In rare cases, there can be a issue with your network connection - especially, if the box is not showing on any browser. Using a VPN or your mobile device to check might help.
  • Please use a VPN if Google is blocked in your country of residence.

Please take note that the captcha box is provided by Google, therefore, troubleshooting is beyond our control. If all these steps above did not work for you, you will need to contact Google support or a local computer specialist to troubleshoot for further assistance. 

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