I forgot my password - how can I reset it?

Don't worry! In case you forgot your password, you can simply reset it.


Last Update hace un año

Don't worry! In case you forgot your password, you can simply reset it by clicking on "Reset Password" on the login form, or alternatively click here. We only need your account's email address to send you instructions on how to reset your password. It may take up to two hours until our email arrives after you requested it. Please also check your junk or spam folder.

What if I only forgot my username or email address?

If you forgot your username only, you can still login using your mail address. Simply use the mail instead of your username. Also, if you forgot your mail only, you can still login using your username.

I can't find your email. What now?

Please wait up to two hours and also check your spam and junk folders. If you still can't find it, please contact us and we'll be glad to help!

It won't let me reset my password, because the email couldn't be found

Please use the Flightsim.to Password Reset (and not X-Plane.to). Changing your password on Flightsim.to will change it on both platforms. 

I don't remember my email address, nor my username

If you forgot your email address and your username or lost access to your email address, there is no way to recover your account, and support cannot help you as well. Please create a new account. 

Delayed e-mails to Yahoo.com

We are receiving several reports that e-mails to Yahoo.com mailboxes are delivered delayed by up to 2 hours in some cases. Thanks for your patience.

At this time, we can not send e-mails to T-Online.de mailboxes. We have disabled the option to sign up with such an e-mail address. If you are still using T-Online.de, kindly contact support. 

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