How can I delete my account?

As soon as your account is deleted, anyone can register with your previous username.


Last Update één jaar geleden

We are sorry that you wish to delete your account. If you just need a break, you can simply logout from your account. This would be the better decision in most cases, since we don't spam or ask you to login anyway. If there is something that upsets you, you may also contact our team and provide your feedback. Maybe we can find a solution together that does not require an permanent account deletion. 

However, we respect your decision. To delete your account as quick as possible please proceed as follows:

  • Navigate to your My Settings.
  • Scroll down until you see the "Delete My Account" button in the bottom right corner.
  • Please note that your account and any related data will be deleted forever. Type in your password to confirm and submit the form.
  • You will be logged out. If you do not log back in again, your account will be deleted in 14 days.

As soon as your account is deleted, anyone can register with your previous username.

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