Locating the Community folder of Microsoft Flight Simulator

The Community folder of your Microsoft Flight Simulator installation is the place where scenery add-ons and liveries are installed.


Last Update één jaar geleden

The Community folder of your Microsoft Flight Simulator installation is the place where scenery add-ons and liveries are installed by dropping the downloaded folders in there. However, locating the Community folder often can be a mess, since the path is different depending which platform you were using to install Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Microsoft Store Version

Steam Version 

If you can't find this path above, the Community folder may be also located here: 

Finding your AppData folder

If AppData folder is not showing up in your Windows Explorer, type %AppData% or %LocalAppData% in Windows search bar and press enter to open your AppData folder. 

Still not found?

You may have selected a custom location to install MSFS 2020 on your drive during installation progress. In this case, you need to locate the path you chosed to install MSFS on. You can use the in-game developer tools to do so.

  • Open the game settings > General
  • Navigate to Developer Tools and switch them to ON.
  • On the developers menu at top, navigate to Tools > Virtual File System
  • The path of your Community folder is under > Watched Bases.

YouTube Video tutorials might help you as well to locate your Community path.

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