How to report bugs, feedback or suggestions?

We appreciate any contribution of users that want to improve the experience.


Last Update hace un año

We appreciate any contribution of users that want to improve the experience by sharing their concerns, bug reports, general feedback or suggestions. To be able to keep track and manage all feedback, we use our internal feedback system.

Our feedback page allows us to keep track of requested features and improvements. It also allows you to see if someone else has already made a similar suggestion. Other users can also vote for your feedback so that we can prioritize it accordingly if necessary. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any specific information about whether and when we can implement your request, but we hope we will be able to address it soon, and any further updates to this would be shared via the respective feedback report that you have created.

If your concern is critical, such as related to site security or requires immediate attention, please contact our support team.

Rest assured that we will constantly work on improving the User experience on site. 

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