Information about the Scenery Map

The scenery map is maintained by our team.


Last Update vor einem Jahr

How can I add my scenery to the map?

The scenery map is maintained by our team. After you have uploaded your scenery on, you don't have to do anything else. We will add it within one week if you have added your coordinates into the provided coordinates field. Please understand that it may take a little time. To make our work easier, please make sure that you have entered valid GPS coordinates when uploading your file, as this can speed up the process.

How often do you update the Scenery Map?

The scenery map is maintained by our team. We try to update the scenery map at least every week. However, this does not always succeed, so it can sometimes take longer. The last update is always displayed on the welcome message screen when opening the Scenery Map.

I need more than one coordinate for my scenery, now what?

Currently it is not possible to add more than one GPS coordinate to your file. However, you can add additional GPS coordinates to your file description. Our team will take them into consideration when adding your scenery to the scenery map.

My scenery is missing or incorrectly placed

Please wait up to a week. If your scenery is still missing or incorrectly categorized, please use the Report a bug button on the bottom left of the Scenery Map page. Please tell us your suggestion and we will try to fix the issue with the next update. 

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