How to delete a file I uploaded?

Navigate to My Uploads and choose the file you wish to modify or delete by clicking on the Modify button.


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Navigate to My Uploads and choose the file you wish to modify or delete by clicking on the Modify button. Once the Modify-file page loaded, click on Visibility in the upper navigation. 

Visibility Options

You can control the visibility of your mod as follows.

  • Public - The file is publicly listed and can be downloaded.
  • Archived - The file is publicly listed and can be downloaded. However, it shows a warning message that it is no longer supported and future updates are not to be expected. Notifications are stopped.
  • Recycle Bin - The file is publicly listed and can be downloaded. However, it shows a warning message that it is no longer supported and future updates are not to be expected. Notifications are stopped. Additionally, it will not show up in your My Uploads and profile anymore.
  • Temporarily unlisted - The file is temporarily unlisted but is still available for download. Comments are stopped. Use this option if your add-on isn't working as expected or needs an update to work again. This option can only be used once a month and your file will automatically become public again after five days at the latest, if not manually re-enabled earlier.

How can I delete my file?

As per our terms of service and upload rules stated prior to every upload, files cannot be deleted after they have been shared on You can control the visibility of your file by changing the visibility options described above, but we do not support any other kind of deletion or removal of uploaded mods. Please read more about the reasons here.

In rare cases when the file has been launched for a few minutes or does not exceed a certain amout of downloads, you can delete your file. Right below the Visibility settings, click on the Deletion box. You will then be asked to check a captcha box to delete your file. If this option is not shown, it means that you cannot delete your file.

If your file does not work anymore and you do not plan to update it any longer, or if there are any legal reasons requiring you to delete the mod, please reach out to our support team. 

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