How is the final sales price of a product determined?


Last Update a year ago

Flightsim sells products worldwide. Depending on the country or state in which you are based, we may be legally obliged to add sales tax to the sales price. Here is an example of how this could work.

  • The developer puts their product for sale on They set a fixed USD price as their Item Price.

  • If you are not purchasing in USD, but in Euro, CAD or GBP for example, our system will convert the USD price. For this purpose, we take the OANDA exchange rate as a basis and add 3.5% to compensate for exchange rate fluctuations.

  • On top of this Item Price, we may be legally required to add sales tax (VAT). For example, if you are based in Germany, we will add 19% VAT on top of the Item Price. As we are unable to gather this information before you enter the checkout process, the prices are shown excl. VAT by default and will be adjusted during the checkout process.

  • If supported, you always pay in the currency of your country. If Flightsim doesn't support your currency, you pay the price in USD and your bank will do the conversion. However, you can also set your custom currency during the checkout process.

  • Sometimes, vendors can decide on fixed prices for all currencies, independent of exchange rates.

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