How can I get product-specific support?

For all questions concerning the installation or the specific use of a purchased product, you must contact the developer of the product.


Last Update één jaar geleden

For all questions concerning the installation or the specific use of a purchased product, you must contact the developer of the product. Under My Purchases you can find the respective contact information to get in touch with the developer. Click on the "Customer Support" button on the respective product to obtain the developer's e-mail address. Through direct contact with the product developer, we ensure that your problems can be solved in the best possible way. After all, nobody knows the product better than the developer itself.

Remember to always include your order reference number when contacting for a quick response. Alternatively, you can leave a comment on the product's page here on, if you have just a simple question.

Flightsim Customer Service's customer support, on the other hand, only deals with questions and concerns regarding payment processing and billing or questions regarding your account at We cannot help you with questions about a product in specific, you have to contact the developer as described above. You can click here to create a ticket if your inquiry is related to billing, delivery, payment, checkout or refunds.

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